Safeguarding and the Prevent duty


Safeguarding and the Prevent duty

New Directions College is dedicated to providing a safe space in which to learn and thrive. We are committed to safeguarding all of our learners and protecting their right to live in safety, free from abuse and/or neglect.

The Prevent duty is the duty in the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act
on specified authorities, in the exercise of their functions, to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.

At New Directions College, we actively promote British Values and act responsibly and swiftly if we suspect that any learner could exposed to or involved in activities linked to terrorism.

Designated Safeguarding Officer

Yusuf  Kacamak

Yusuf Kacamak – Head of MIS and Business Support

If you have concerns about your own safety or behaviour, or that of someone else attending the College, you can raise this with any member of staff or our Designated Safeguarding Officer – Yusuf Kacamak.

You can contact Yusuf on 07731012735/ 0345 842 0012 / Email: or you can complete our online report form by following this link: click here

If someone is in immediate danger you should call 999.

You can also email the Adult Safeguarding Team directly at Reading Borough Council:

Tel: 0118 937 3747 or Email:


New Directions College has a statutory and moral duty to ensure that we promote the welfare of young people and vulnerable adults receiving education and training with us; or under the auspices of New Directions College, through our partners and subcontractors. The College has a thorough and effective Safeguarding Policy and Procedure in place. This includes how the College responds to our duty for Prevent.

New Directions promotes an ethos where everyone feels safe and secure, are encouraged to talk and are listened to.

Staff and volunteers all have an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service Check (DBS) and receive annual training and development on Safeguarding and Prevent. Learners will receive guidance on Safeguarding and how to raise concerns during their College induction. Learners can speak to a member of staff about Safeguarding matters at any time.

Staff and learners should all be aware of how they can raise concerns about themselves or others and will know how their concerns will be dealt with.

New Directions College is committed to:

  • Offering a safe environment for young people and vulnerable adults to learn in;
  • Making sure that young people and vulnerable adults who are suffering, or are likely to suffer significant harm are identified;
  • Taking swift and appropriate action to see that such young people and vulnerable adults are kept safe at New Directions College; and
  • Ensure appropriate measures are implemented to keep learners safe from radicalisation and that we promote British values.

To achieve these aims New Directions College will annually review the Safeguarding Policy and Procedure with the aim of:

  • Raising awareness of issues relating to the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults and the promotion of a safe environment for them to learn within New Directions College;
  • Aiding the identification of children, young people and vulnerable adults at risk of significant harm, providing procedures for reporting concerns;
  • Discharging the institutions statutory duties with regard to the PREVENT duty;
  • Establishing procedures for reporting and dealing with allegations of abuse against members of staff; and
  • Ensuring the safe recruitment of staff.

In developing the policy and procedure New Directions will consult with, and take account of, guidance issued by the Department for Education and other relevant bodies and groups.

It is not New Directions’ responsibility to investigate abuse. Nevertheless, it will act if there is cause for concern and will notify the appropriate agencies so that they can investigate and take the necessary action.

New Directions College will refer concerns that a child, young person or vulnerable adult might be at risk of significant harm to the Local Authority Safeguarding Teams or other appropriate agencies.

Appropriate New Directions staff will contact the LA Safeguarding Teams as required. They have full knowledge of the local authority safeguarding procedures and have contact with the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO).

The Prevent Duty

New Directions recognises the positive contribution it can make towards protecting its learners from radicalisation towards violent extremism. Through our work with learners, learner voice and the tutorial programme, we will continue to help create communities that are resilient to extremism and protect the wellbeing of particular learners who may be vulnerable to being drawn into violent extremism or crime. We will also continue to promote the development of spaces for free debate where shared values can be reinforced.

Subcontractors and delivery Partners

The College’s Safeguarding policy applies across all provision delivered by New Directions, this includes provision delivered by partners and subcontractors. This policy is shared with all all partners and subcontractors and it is the expectation of New Directions that the policy will be implemented in full by these partner organisations.

In addition, New Directions will expect all subcontractors to demonstrate the following:

  • All staff have recently undergone Safeguarding training (within the last 2 years) and have evidence of such and will have annual refresher training.
  • All staff have recently undergone Prevent training (within the last 2 years) and have evidence of such and will have annual refresher training.
  • Every provider has a designated Safeguarding Lead who has had the appropriate training to carry out the role
  • All learners are informed of at least 3 ways of reporting a safeguarding or Prevent concern (e.g. to a tutor, a manager or a number to call) and learners are protected and feel safe.

New Directions expects partners and subcontractors to be able to demonstrate that they meet all regulations and duties for the purposes of the safeguarding as part of the contract and performance management. This will be checked through annual safeguarding checks. Failure to comply with the legal duty for Safeguarding and Prevent will result in termination of the contract.